The reason that I like Dubai so much…

49BCE6F6-CC4B-476A-A4E7-10B3473030BF.pngWhat makes me like Dubai so much? That it’s a city full of outsiders. There’s not a place in the world where the people interest me as much as in Dubai, although people interest me in every part of the world. But here it feels different somehow. Dubai is a transient city. Some people live there for a few months. Others for a few years. Others for a few decades. But except for the very few Emiratis (who you rarely interact with outside of immigration), everyone else is an outsider. I’ve always felt like an outsider in life. I’ve never really fit in regarding what I was “supposed” to be, so in Dubai I’m just one out of many weirdo’s :). Similarly, the people you interact with in Dubai are from every single corner of the world. That’s true of many cities, but not to the same intensity. Sure, New York has people from all over the world as well, but it doesn’t feel quite as consistently diverse as Dubai does.


I find myself so engaged with people in Dubai, because every time I interact with someone I wonder to myself where they’re from, how long they’ve been there, what their story is, etc. I just love other people’s stories. Well not all stories, but you get the drift. Anyway, it was a nice holiday and a real eye opener for my mum. A new world opened up to her. I was also very happy to see my friend Regina, who came to visit us. Even if it was only for a little while.

So, what could be better to end this day and our very nice family holiday than  saying goodbye to Dubai from our own private pool. That 2020 may have many nice adventures in store!





Beach-day and some thoughts on our holiday

Today, we decided to soak up some sun and enjoy the beach at our sister hotel ‘ ‘Five Jumeirah’ on the Palm.

And whilst enjoying the Dubai sun on our skin, we were discussing the hotel and the craziness of Dubai. All of us had different feelings about our experiences, but we all agreed that it was a nice way to spend the holidays together as a family. So for next year, we have to plan another nice X-mas adventure.


This place polarizes for sure. I agree – artificial islands, ice rinks and ski slopes in the desert do not help to reduce global warming. You can also argue about a tower of 822 m height. And now there is a project to build a tower even higher than the Burj Khalifa, one of 1 km high. Everything needs to be bigger, better faster and…higher! This is also the first time that I stayed in a hotel room of 235 square metres, see the Burj Khalifa from the shower and have my very own swimming pool…nice to have a morning swim and a yummy breakfast on the terrace.
My mum loved being spoiled by the attention and the helpfulness of all of the genuinely nice and helpful staff.  She wants to take one of them home now 😁. And Max well…he loves Dubai…loves the modern vibe and the vision, the cleanliness and the safe feeling. You also easily make friends, so he went out with some expats and had a taste of lively Dubai at night. He had fun, without drinking alcohol, since drinking age here is 21. He could easily live here, he says. If he would get to keep our hotel room, he might never leave 🤣😂. 

Personally, I have mixed feelings about Dubai but I also admit that I really like this place. Why? First of all because it is a melting pot. You find people from all over the world here, living more or less peacefully together. A cab driver from Bangladesh tells me that „they are doing a great job to attract the most talented people from all places“. And many workers who often don’t have the best working conditions but yet make more money than in their home countries. When asking a nice waitress from Kenia how she likes the city the answer was „we are here for money“. Got it! –

Secondly, I love architecture and the buildings that you see here are just phenomenal! Architects can go totally crazy here with their projects.

And Dubai is pretty safe and so clean. No chewing gums or graffitis in the stations (wish we could say the same about Belgian train stations!). No drunk people in the streets. You can walk around at your ease (even at night). Travel within the city is also easy. The transport system is great – and clean! Train stations look like UFOs to me (although the idea was rather a shell, reminding of Dubai`s origin as a base for pearl divers) – or something like that.

In Dubai it’s all about modern architecture, luxury hotels and shopping malls – almost. But you will find a glimpse of traditional life in the neighbourhoods close to the Creek. As a cab driver said – the modern part of the city is mostly run by Americans and Europeans and is well organized. The old part is authentic but also chaotic. Anyway, wishing all my readers a healthy, happy, prosperous and adventurous 2020! 

Visiting old Dubai – Al Fahidi district & Al Seef

Today, I wanted to show my mum the oldest part of Dubai. The Al Fahidi Historical District, commonly referred to as Al Bastakiya. Al Fahidi holds the memories of an era that pre-dates the confederation of the emirates. Nowadays Dubai is mostly known for the glitz and glamour. But before the tourism boom, before the discovery of oil and before the union of the Emirati tribes in 1971, it was a vastly different place. The UAE was an area of sheikdoms – where bedouins lived as herders, date farmers and fishermen.

When the materialism of the Marina or the Lamborghinis on Sheikh Zayed Road get too much, you can escape to the old part of town; and just wander the streets of Bastakiya, exploring the coffee museum, peeping into the art cafes – I love it there! The Bastakiya quarter truly exudes tradition and history. One of the oldest neighborhoods still standing in Dubai. This area was built in the 19th century by the Iranian community who arrived in the Emirate due to trade via the Dubai Creek. The buildings in Bastakiya tell their own story, they were built using coral and shells and still remain the same till this day. The community has now become a cultural hub for both Dubai residents and visitors.

This is where it all started. Dubai`s richness is not so much based on oil (there is more of that black gold in Abu Dhabi) but its long tradition as a trading place – due to the strategic location between the continents. So I made my mum dive into the Arabian world, listen to the muezzin`s call for prayer and watch the old wooden dhows. We decided not to take an Abra to Deira to visit the souks, since she was feeling a bit dizzy and overwhelmed.  But in Deira real pashmina’s, gold and jewellery and oriental spices are among the most demanded items offered by the very eager salesmen. There it is a true shopping for all senses, but it is also crowded, loud and dirty.

So, we went for lunch at my favourite restaurant: The Arabian teahouse. ( I just really love the vibe there, and the food of course! My mum also loved it. Max did not want to see anything old, nor eat the Arabian delights.  He wanted to explore the new Dubai…

The Arabian Tea House, formerly called the Basta Art Cafe, is a gorgeous little cafe with an open courtyard featuring a variety of delicious Middle Eastern dishes. My dear friend Regina made me discover this gem last year.

After lunch, we explored the Al Seef area – This is where the ‘Old Meets the New’. There’s an area where it’s modern, and there’s an area where you can see windtowers and stones which reflects back to the history of the UAE. Al Seef has retained the charm of Old Dubai This creekside area is rich in history and culture as this is where pearl-divers, fishermen, and tradesmen started. While Dubai will always come up with new and modern destinations, I’m really happy that they developed this new place while keeping its charm a history.

We ended this inspiring day with a sweet & bitter honey flavoured mojito at the hotel, whilst Max dove into the nightlife at JBR Barasti.(

It was really funny when we met 2 young Belgians in the elevator, dressed in Gucci short, sneakers and T-shirt, obviously looking and smelling for a night out – and my mother asked if they came from the gym 😂🤣😩. Wel, they had shorts and trainers on!!!


Shop till you drop @ Dubai mall

When it comes to the Dubai Mall, you can go shopping in over 1.200 stores, meaning there really isn’t anything you can’t buy. If you have the money…that is. Gucci, Chanel, Hermes, Rolex, but also more modern brands, Offwhite, Supreme…Just crazy!

When you fancy something to eat, you have the choice of over 120 restaurants and cafes, so whatever cuisine you’re in the mood for, you’ll find it here. If you’re in the mood for a cupcake, you could always try the Golden Phoenix Cupcake from Bloomsbury. Made from the finest chocolate and 23-carat edible gold sheets, it will set you back 1000 euro. And if you can afford it, remember that it must be ordered 48 hours in advance.

Aside from the shopping, there is plenty more to see and do. You will find within the Dubai Mall Aquarium and Underwater Zoo, where 300 species of marine animals, including sharks, swim freely in the huge glass tank. The aquarium also hosts the world’s largest OLED screen, which is a massive 7,639 sq ft, a Guinness World Record holder.

The Dubai Mall is much more than just shopping mall.  It really is a metaphor for Dubai.  An incredible structure, with world first’s and things done on a massive scale, it is proof that mankind can create some amazing, wonderful things.

This time, we just enjoyed the mall and had our favourite cake at the Cheesecake Factory to end this exciting, but exhausting shopping day…

High tea at the Fairmont hotel in Dubai

Afternoon Tea is a such a nice way to celebrate with the family and it’s a chic and sophisticated alternative to stuffed turkey ;). It is also a fantastic way to include older generations in a new trend. Since, currently afternoon teas are totally on trend here in Dubai, so there are lots of options to choose from. We decided to go with the afternoon tea at the Fairmont hotel. 

Situated on Palm Jumeriah, Fairmont The Palm is an out-of-this world five-star resort.  The hotel itself has: 10 world-class restaurants and lounges with food from all around the world, access to a private beach, four temperature-controlled swimming pools, an Award-winning Willow Stream Spa and elegant and spacious guestrooms.  But today let’s find out more about their deliciously decadent Afternoon Tea…..

On arrival we received yummy tea infused mocktails and a sweet and savoury spread that was simply delicious!  From mini battenberg cakes, raspberry macaroons to yummy egg and HB cress sandwiches. I would really recommend trying it out. We enjoyed it very much and you don’t need to worry you won’t get enough. After the cucumber sandwiches, macaroons and sweets – we received some  mini quiches and to end some yummy scones.

To end this lovely afternoon, we went swimming and took a nap on the beach of the lovely hotel….



X-mas holidays in the crazy UAE

We have arrived at our Hotel Five Jumeirah – In one word WOW!

This is a hotel that has nothing to do with any hotel that I have ever seen in Dubai, or even anywhere else in the world for that matter.

Max has chosen a modern hotel for sure, since the FIVE Jumeirah Village is indeed a dare-to-be different hotel that captures the glamour of the new Dubai. They want you to experience  a chic penthouse lifestyle with its 269 pools and Jacuzzis, it’s vast lush green terraces and an apparently culinary and party scene like no other. Our room is 235 square meter…Help!

Anyway, an award winning chic hotel in a 60-storey tower offering eclectic street food dining, plus a spa & an outdoor pool is the perfect balance between an exotic holiday and a Christmas extravagance to enjoy as a family. I have been to Dubai a few times now, but never during the Christmas holidays, so yes – I’m curious and excited.

For Dubai being an Arabic country, they decorate for Christmas with a true holiday spirit. The hotels are decked out with Christmas trees, classic Christmas decor, and everywhere they are holding special holiday lunches, brunches and dinners, even Christmas carols everywhere!


Are we ready to explore the glitz and glam, but also discover the ancient traditions of this multifaceted city?
The saying goes that 
Dubai doesn’t just live up to its reputation; but that it will completely exceed your expectations.

Yes, we are ready 👍






Flying Emirates airlines – I love it!

And off we went on Emirates airlines. An airline that I’ve once been a customer of and that I really enjoy. I’m not a big fan of constantly comparing stuff, but I do compare airlines. I’ve found I’ve been comparing them considerably more these days. And I don’t only compare the service and the food, because, as so often in life, it’s the other little things that make a difference.

I hardly know any other airlines that have an entertainment system as good, or as extensive, as Emirates. They have a huge selection of movies, from comedies to the latest big Hollywood movie. Up in the air, they provide you with a pillow, a cozy blanket and really nice headphones. And they were sponsored by the highly anticipated Expo 2020 which will take place in Dubai. Another cool thing I noticed was that the ceiling of the plane looked like it was sparkling and it reminded me of the night sky. You also get free Wi-Fi on board. Super handy!


Emirates Airlines is based in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates and is the largest airline in the Middle East. It operates in over 80 countries all over the world. Also, Emirate Airlines is rated in the top 5 of the best airlines in the world year after year. 


2019 – X-mas with the family

90A8E813-AAF1-4777-BD37-F98A571D92C5This year I thought that it would be a nice idea to go away for the holidays. Since my dad died this year, we need a family moral booster. And what is better than a bit of sunshine?
No stress to stand in line for hours and buy original presents, no endless cooking for loved ones and family, no decorating a huge Christmas tree….

Just enjoying the luxury of a nice hotel, good food, sunshine and the three of us. 

proposed to go to Tenerife, but since my 80-year old mother said that Tenerife was for old people, I had my 19-year old son choose the destination.

So…Dubai it is. A true family holiday between an 80, a 50 and a 19-year old 😱
Adventure…here we come!
