Why Radjasthan should be on your bucket list + did I find my inner self?



India is a real cacaphony of moments all played in fast forward, with overlaying sounds; dirty roads, it is loud, crazy and overwhelming.
Without a doubt, the beauty of India lays in the impossible grandeur and elegance of the palaces and forts. But it’s also the charm of the near misses of tuk tuks, trucks, rickshaws, pedestrians, elephants, cars and cows. It’s the country of contrasts and I sometimes had a feeling of overload.



But it really is about the carved detail on a wooden floor, the spice in your morning massala chai, the gold trim of a silk sari, the creased smile of the flower vendor, the distinct call from the minaret from a mosque 🕌(beside a Sikh temple, beside a Jain temple). It’s the intrigue from the village children, the fine strokes on a miniature painting, the heat of a real Indian curry, the jangle of Bollywood music and if you are really lucky, like me, the flash of a leopard’s eye…
What struck me, on the contrary to what one thinks about India, is that they are very respectful to women (who would have thought…). The Hindu religion is also the only religion in the world that has women as Goddesses. Durga is the Goddess with 4 arms -8 hands. She is the symbol for power, strength and beauty.
As from 2012, 33% of the jobs in India are reserved for women. 25% of jobs in the parliament are reserved for women. Even the army holds 30% for women.
According to our tour guide Jai Singh, in 2050, India will beat China and will be the number 1 world leader. Only time can tell…


Now, the big ‘Eat, Pray, love’ question on my first single trip. Do I feel rejuvenated, more zen, less stressful? Was this ´Peaceful India Tour’ good for the peace in my mind, the joy in my heart and the liberation of my soul. I must admit that there was not a second on this trip that I felt lonely or unloved. In our group everybody was really looking out for one another and our tour guide tried his utmost to make everybody happy. I may have gained a bit more confidence- I can do this on my own now and be happy at the same time. I also do feel more grateful for my life, my health, my family and the friends that I have. This trip was spicy 🌶 and sweet, luxurious and poor, funny and sad, but it was always interesting and never -ever boring.



Thanks also to my 2 new girlfriends Mieke & Judith for the laughs, the stories and the friendship. Viviane, Sas and ´Dutch foody’ Hans – I hope to see you in Ostend for ‘garnaalkroket’. Thanks to T & Erwin for looking out for me and bringing me my rum shot every morning. This really is the best remedy against the ‘Delhi belly’. I hope that we will stay in touch. It was a great group, a fascinating country and a wonderful trip. Cheers is not goodbye! Shukriah and Namaste! 🙏
