Why Vienna should be on your bucketlist

As globetrotters, we discover new cities and places all the time. Some of these places, we fall in love with at first sight, others we do not like all that much or we need a bit longer to appreciate. Here are some of the reasons why I fell in love with Vienna…

The baroque buildings in Vienna are almost as delicious as their Apfelstrudel! Almost. My camera was ready to explode at all the fancy architecture! Seriously, I thought I fell into an endless pinterest board on this trip. Which is both bad and amazing due to my out of control pinterest addiction, but that’s a story for another day.

I especially loved the bright white, the yellow and the pink exteriors, being a complete sucker for feminine pastel colours. I also adored the Ancient Greek and Roman-inspired statues perched on top of the roofs as they gazed down at the passerby. The buildings and the big broad walkways added another layer to Vienna’s already elegant ambiance. And of course, we can’t forget how clean and well-maintained all these buildings are. The city is clean, the busses, metro’s and trains run on time, you feel safe and the people are very charming and they have one thing in common – they all love Vienna… Another insider tip: look at the traffic lights in the city. There are three individual symbols to find both in red and green. All couples representing a male couple, a female couple and a male/female couple and they are ever so cute. They even have names “Let’s go together “, “Feeling” and “The voice of love”. They were designed at the time Vienna hosted the Eurovision to highlight the city’s views of inclusivity. A discreet, but lovely gesture, no?

And then the art…. Over a 100 years ago, artists like Gustav Klimt sent shock waves through the Viennese coffee cafes and helped to launch modern art. Now, the city is saturated with more than 250 listed museums and collections. This number includes opulent palaces, small museums, composers’ memorial rooms, and quirky private collections. Art is just everywhere.

I realise that I did not mention shopping before, but Vienna certainly is not short on luxury shopping opportunities. The ‘Goldenes Quartier’, is the city’s home to Luis Vuitton, Prada, and Saint Laurent. Located off the Kohlmarkt in the 1st District. And you know a city is fancy when they need to extend their posh shopping streets because they just can’t accomodate every store dying to be there. Connecting the Graben with Hofburg Palace, another luxurious shopping street is more than just a means to an end when getting around the city. This is where you go to sample the delicacies at Demel, shop (or stare – like me) Tiffany’s, and try on some high fashion at Burburys, Ferragamo, and Christian Dior.

And then the food. Although wining & dining was not our main focus on this trip, you cannot go hungry in Vienna. Below are some tips:
Sacher torte: This famous chocolate cake is one of the most decadent desserts and you should taste it at Hotel Sacher.
Schnitzel: You can’t go to Vienna without eating a wiener schnitzel! The most famous restaurant is the Figlmüller but there are plenty of restaurants around that serve this dish.
Finger sandwiches: These little sandwiches are the perfect light lunch or snack and great for any kind of eater. I like them from Trzesniewski.
Apple strudel: Sweet cinnamon and apple filled pastry. You can’t go wrong.
Not to forget the coffee…Right in the heart of Vienna, on the cobble-stoned Franziskanerplatz square, is one of the most loved coffee houses by the Viennese: Das Kleines Café. This charming cafe from the 1970’s serves Viennese coffee and snacks just like time stood still. Most likely you’ll see old men with their newspaper open, drinking coffee or chatting with fellow locals. With limited tables and seats, only the lucky ones can sit under the arched ceilings. But if you truly want to feel like a local, Kleines Cafe is the place to be. Tip: Order the Melange — an espresso shot served in a large coffee cup topped with steamed milk and milk foam.

Let me end this love-story of Vienna with a song from 1912 that I heard Jonas Kaufman perform in Brussels a few years ago. Not sure if you know it: “Wien, Wien, nur du allein, solst stets die Stadt meiner Träume sein! Dort, wo ich glücklich und selig bin, ist Wien, ist Wien, mein Wien!

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