A 2-day trip to Antwerp between Christmas and New Year

I have a very small family, but I’m blessed to have a few good friends whom I consider as my family. So we decided to get together in Antwerp and enjoy the concert of ‘klassiek aan de Schelde’.

It was heartwarming to see my best friend Sabine together with my other BFF Wim and my mum patriarch sharing a cozy and fun dinner with plenty of laughs…

After dinner we enjoyed the ‘klassiek aan de Schelde’ and listened to the amazing music of Carmen, to Casta diva from Norma & to Puccini’s ‘O Mio Bannino Caro’. The 2 soprano’s Pumeza Matshikiza and Karen Vermeiren were wonderful, as was pianist Aaron Waynberg. All of this presented by Carl Huybrechts, who did a fantastic job…At one point Francois Glorieux came onstage for his very last time, since he decided tot say goodbye to his career, at the age of 90!!! He performed ‘ La mer’ on the piano – it was fascinating to see how he could still perform the piano and conduct an orchestra…Music is magic!

After this beautiful performance and the ‘quality time’ with my friends, it was time to go back to our Sapphire Hotel in Antwerp. This beautiful hotel is located in the building of the world’s first stock exchange , dating back to the 16th century . My dad would have had a blast here…The hotel wants to take you back to the ‘golden age’ of Antwerp where merchants from all over the world exchanged the most exotic products. We even received little sapphires (not real ones unfortunately), to exchange for some fresh homemade tea. I loved that there was art everywhere, especially in the rooms. Ours had a print of Antwerp photographer Marc Lagrange. In the lobby you can look at features collections from Essentiel Antwerp, Wouters & Hendrix and Kaai Bags. A true Antwerp vibe in the Sapphire…

After a plant-based breakfast we went to the exhibit of Anton Corbijn ‘Ikonen’. The Dutch photographer was crazy about music and became photographer almost by accident…Bowie, Jagger, Cobain, Davis and of course U2, all of them have been before the lens of Anton Corbijn. What I admire most in his photographic work is the gift and the ability that he has to lift an ordinary image into something iconic. His Russia collection from 1982 was also interesting to see, especially in today’s conflict…

After the Corbijn exhibition, we did some shopping on the Meir and took the opportunity to see the funny Burpindale Palace. Photographer Kris Desmedt and foodstylist Erik Vernieuwe have decorated the Palace on the Meir with their comical views. It starts with Napoleon’s bathtub filled with Napoleon goodies. Did you know that Napoleon was allergic to cats? All of this and so much more can you learn by touring the Burpindale Palace. I loved the hot-dog Pollock painting and the girl with the pearl from Vermeer…touring the palace gave me a bit of an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feeling…

This was the perfect ‘2-day’ getaway between Christmas and New Year. Seeing beautiful Antwerp again, enjoying classical music, good food, a few art exhibits and some shopping …But the best of all was spending quality time with my mum and my besties…That is what life is all about, no? Being able to spend time with your loved ones….because they are the true diamonds in your life…So here is to 2023, to good health and spending quality time with the people you love!!! ❤️

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