2021 – Celebrating Christmas without your loved ones

The holidays are a time of sharing and celebrating the magic of the season with loved ones. So it does feel sad to be celebrating this Christmas without my dad, who is in heaven, and without my son, who is celebrating with his girlfriend’s family. I do tend to get a bit melancholic on Christmas Day and I look back as time has flown by. Time really does fly as I look back on previous Christmas holidays…So many wonderful (and some less wonderful) people have come into my life and so many have left. The sun of Tenerife and the good company of my mum and my travel buddy do help a lot to make this a wonderful time to remember.

But life goes on and we have to enjoy every minute that we are healthy, happy and still have some loved ones to share special moments with. So, I will share this Christmas eve with my mum and Wim on this wonderful island of Tenerife, in a beautiful hotel under the sun. What a lucky girl I am. I do count my blessings.

So here is my little Christmas poem to you:

Here is my Christmas wish to you
Hold it close and it may come true
Receive that special Christmas glow
If it is in the sun, the rain or the snow
Find Christmas spirit in your heart
That’s where Christmas has to start
Find joy in the love that you share
Giving at Christmas shows we care
Enjoy the day on your own, with family or friends
Make the best of it and make a memory that never ends
Keep Christmas each and every day
Sometimes you might be sad or smile some more but that’s ok
May Christmas live inside of you
And show in all you say and do
Find joy in all that you receive
It’s possible when you believe
Not only in the magic of Christmas
But in the magic inside of you!

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