2019 – X-mas with the family

90A8E813-AAF1-4777-BD37-F98A571D92C5This year I thought that it would be a nice idea to go away for the holidays. Since my dad died this year, we need a family moral booster. And what is better than a bit of sunshine?
No stress to stand in line for hours and buy original presents, no endless cooking for loved ones and family, no decorating a huge Christmas tree….

Just enjoying the luxury of a nice hotel, good food, sunshine and the three of us. 

proposed to go to Tenerife, but since my 80-year old mother said that Tenerife was for old people, I had my 19-year old son choose the destination.

So…Dubai it is. A true family holiday between an 80, a 50 and a 19-year old 😱
Adventure…here we come!


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