2018 – Day 6 – Saying goodbye to Oman and saying hello to our friend Patricia in Ras Al Khaimah.

This was my third trip to Oman and you start to understand a little bit about this teeny, tiny country. Most of the modernization of Oman is thanks to the 46-year leadership of Oman’s monarch, Qaboos bin Said Al Said. However, with ailing health at 76 years old and without any children of his own, the sultan has largely kept his succession plans somewhat vague. As a result, it is worth asking whether or not his successor will maintain Muscat’s regional foreign policy trajectory or steer Oman on a new course in response to new domestic and regional realities and challenges.
Within the span of nearly fifty years, Qaboos transformed the barren and impoverished southeastern Arabian Peninsula state into a modern one with booming oil and gas reserves, substantial foreign direct investments (FDI), a strong tourism sector, along with well-developed infrastructure and healthcare.
Its constitution, amended in 1996, promises freedom of press and the prohibition of “discrimination amongst [people] on the ground of gender, origin, color, language, religion, sect, domicile, or social status.” Such tolerance has thus largely been used to explain why Oman remained relatively safe. Oman’s path toward succession has thus drawn renewed interest as the international community scrutinizes the GCC and the greater Middle East’s fluid geopolitical order.
Overall, with Qaboos’s days numbered and his succession plans still largely secretive, young Omanis face an uncertain future.
But his majesty, the Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said has ensured that Oman has been like the Islamic Switzerland, neutral in all disputes.
Omanis are one of the happiest nations in the Gulf and expect the same of the tourists. So… always have a smile on your face when talking to an Omani man or woman. They will reply to you with a smile.




Ras Al Khaimah offers an entirely unique experience from its neighbouring emirates.
With over 7,000 years of fascinating history and culture, Ras Al Khaimah is the perfect getaway from everyday life. Offering magnificent landscapes, breathtaking coastlines and rich, terracotta desert planes, the emirate has firmly established itself as the UAE’s most authentic destination in the Middle East. And what my son said: Since a few months RAK has the longest zip line in the world!
We met my friend Patricia on the terrace of
the Basilico Cove Rotana. I wanted to introduce Patricia to Regina, because I think that they could become friends. Patricia is a fantastic business woman with a stressful live and Regina is that meditating, one-with nature yoga person.
Patricia invited us for a drink in her apartment and OMG, it is such a Palace. A perfect, cozy and stylish apartment with a fantastic view of the harbor. Alexia was totally happy swimming in the pool and still dreaming about her first drive in the Porsche.
I think that both ladies might become friends and I love and admire them both a lot.
We had to say our goodbyes, since Patricia had some work to do and we had a karaoke night coming…


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