2018 – Day 3 -Relaxing on Jumeira Beach and on the Azure beach in the Rixos

The last 2 days I’ve spent relaxing in the desert sun, enjoying the healthy lifestyle of Regina – mango’s and papayas for breakfast and yummy vegetarian food, some yoga in the afternoon and deep conversations in the evening on the terrace with a glass (or more) of wine. Conversation about life, love, politics, dreams, past experiences, travels and ‘still to do’ lists. As you can imagine the conversation between 5 women never stops 🙂 That’s probably why we missed some of the road signs now and then :):):).



Alexia had her first ‘tumbling’ lesson with Julie in a very special loft that was made into an amazing ‘eco’ – like gym. She also had her first manicure and her first lebanese food experience. And even is she is only 13, she can talk about every topic and give it her refreshing twist…She is one hell of a kid – doing flips, talking and singing at the same time!



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