2017 – Why Dubai should be on your bucket list

For starters: they have amazing prices, so you can take a ‘cruise-package’ with Dubai included. Even an ‘all-in’ with TravelBird is reasonable.
Dubai is where the old Arab world meets the extravaganza of the future. If you want to have your business go global, you need to expand to Dubai. You have the ‘Burj al Arab’, the only 7-star hotel in the world, the ‘Burj Khalifa’, being the highest building in the world, more 5-star hotels than any other country, President Trump has some of his golfcourses here, a lot of powerfull businessmen have residences in Dubai or elsewhere in the UAE. And not to forget…the shopping is amazing: The Dubai mall has any brand of clothes and any type of food that I can imagine and much more… an aquarium with sharks… Are you tired of the sun, and you want some snow… go to the Emirates’mall for a bit of skiing! Dubai is a mixture between New York and Vegas, but with an Arab touch and definitely a whole lot more of their yellow ‘bling’.

But you also have the possibility to witness the old Arab traditions. The local Emiratis, dressed in their crispy white dishdash, their beards perfectly groomed, their white keffiyeh that makes them look very stylish and clean. The ladies wearing their abayas or niqabs , stylish though underneath wearing the latest fashion, hair and make-up styled to perfection. Just looking at their designer handbags tells you a lot about their favorite couture designer…
Old and new brushing shoulder to shoulder in this cosmopolite city. It is definitively worth a visit. Lovely Dubai, untill we meet again…inshallah…

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