Auckland Museum and the Haka

This morning we went to the Auckland Museum. In one word: FANTASTIC!!! Most of it is about the Maori people and their origins, but there was also a cool expo about 75 years of New Zealand airways. It reminded me a bit about my time at Sabena airlines. But the Maori exhibition….WAUW! They explaned us about their life, their weapons, dances and songs. And see for yourself: They are ‘sexy’ 😝

The national anthem is sung half in Maori, the haka is embraced as the fierce warrior spirit of the whole nation, Kia Ora is the standard greeting and their way of life is at the forefront of everything that is done here.

The Maori culture is not forced into the shadows of shame and rejection like many indigenous cultures around the world have.

There is a history of bloodshed here, yes, but all that matters is how they have managed to heal the wounds of their past in order to make a better present. The Kiwis have done an incredible job of this and should be an example to us all.

I LOVE this about New Zealand; my admiration grows for their peaceful and accepting spirits.
Having spent a tiny bit of time in New Zealand has taught me much about the fiercy temperament of the land and spirit of its people.

New Zealanders are deeply connected to the Earth. They understand that she is more powerful than us and needs to be treated with respect and awe. They have found many ways to live in harmony with the land and to enjoy the much splendour that she offers us.

I hope to return to this beautiful place of our earth one day….

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