Sydney’s Opera House

Sydney is the oldest of all Australian cities. When you see the white sails of the Opera House and the graceful arch of Harbour Bridge, it’s hard to imagine this was once a brutal convict colony in 1788.

Today we visited one of the world’s great icons and a UNESCO site, the Sydney Opera House. Famous for its cutting-edge architecture, the building series of 1 million white tiles is perched on a platform of pink granite and was designed by Danish architect Jorn Uzon and opened in 1973. It was interesting to take a backstage tour. Unfortunately there were no concerts that we were interested in at the moment.

We then went to discover the Royal Botanic Gardens where parrots come to sit on your shoulder if you give them some birdseads….a beatiful place where families come together and have picknics in the parc.

After lunch in the Gardens, we went to see the rocks where the oldest surviving house was built in 1816.

Since we walked more than 20.000 steps today, with only 4 hours of sleep, we will have some dumplings for dinner and go to bed early.

Tomorrow will be another great day with a bike ride 😄

Cheers mates!!!


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